Any decoupling approach has at least one disadvantage: What if the client code needs specific functionality provided by only one of the implementations? 任何去耦方法都至少有一个缺点:如果客户机代码仅需要一个实现所提供的特定功能,怎么办?
But when the design matrix X has the problem of multicollinearity, the ordinary least squares estimation shows apparently disadvantage, the linear biased estimation is the most direct method in ameliorating the ordinary least squares estimation. 但当设计阵X存在复共线性时,最小二乘估计存在着明显的缺陷,线性有偏估计则是改进最小二乘估计最直接的方法。
On the basis of the superiority of genetic algorithms whose ability of searching for the whole or the part is strong, nonlinear least squares estimation was used to overcome the disadvantage of classical least squares. 为克服线性化经典平差的不足,尝试利用遗传算法全局和局部搜索力强的优势,进行非线性最小二乘参数估计。
By using graphic method, slope formula and least square method, this paper calculates the data of frozen soil direct shear test, analyses advantage and disadvantage of every method. 通过图解法、斜率公式和斜截式公式法、最小二乘法的应用,对冻土直剪试验数据进行处理,分析了各种方法的优缺点,便于在今后工作中合理选择方法应用。